How to file for Divorce in India - Step by Step Divorce Procedure

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Table of Contents

What is Divorce?

Dissolution or termination of marriage is termed as Divorce. In India, just like marriage laws, divorce laws also vary, based on the religion of the parties and the laws under which the marriage took place.

In the Indian legal system, the divorce process initiates with the filing a divorce petition. This can be initiated by one spouse unilaterally or jointly by both parties in the case of mutual agreement. The steps and procedures for both contested and mutual divorces are delineated in this legal guide.

If you are looking to connect with a lawyer for your divorce, you can consult one by simply filling in your details in the box above. With LawRato , you can get in touch with the top rated divorce lawyers near you for all your legal requirements. Ending of a marriage need not be the end of your future, and we ensure that.

What are the types of divorce under Hindu law?

Divorce under Hindu law is regulated by the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. This Act has classified divorce into two main categories:

Mutual Divorce

In the scenario where both spouses want to amicably end their marriage, they can choose to go for a mutual consent divorce, governed by Section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act. In mutual divorce , pre-determining issues related to child custody, alimony, shared assets, etc. becomes essential for both parties. The spouses must fulfill the requirement of living separately for at least one year before filing for a mutual divorce.

Contested Divorce

Contested divorce is when only one spouse wants a divorce, while the other spouse is not willing to divorce their partner. These divorces require careful handling because there might not be much evidence to support either side's claims on things like alimony and child custody in court. While contested divorces often don't lead to amicable solutions between couples, they can be appealing to those trapped in a difficult marriage with no other way out.

What is the procedure to file for Divorce by Mutual Consent in India?

Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 covers the provision of mutual consent divorce. There is a set procedure to file for it, as given under this section. The steps/procedure/requirements for filing a mutual divorce petition have been explained below:

1. Hiring a Lawyer and Filing of a petition:When starting a divorce process, the first step is to engage an expert legal practitioner who can aid in drafting a joint petition for marriage dissolution, which both spouses can present to the family court. The petition must assert a year-long separation or an inability to cohabit together, along with a mutual agreement to end the marriage, signed by both parties.

2. Appearing before the Court and scrutiny of the petition: Both parties must attend the family court following the submission of the petition. They will be accompanied by their legal representatives. The court will review the petition and all accompanying documents. Efforts may be made by the court to reconcile the parties through counselling. However, if reconciliation is not possible, the divorce proceedings will continue.

3. Passing of orders for the recording of statements on oath:
Once the petition is scrutinised by the Court and it is satisfied, it may order the parties’ statements to be recorded on oath.

4. Order on First Motion and passing of 6 months period before Second Motion: Within 6-18 months from the date of presentation of the divorce petition in the Family Court, the second motion can be filed. If the second motion is not filed within this timeframe, the court will not pass any decree for divorce.

5. Second Motion and Final Hearing of the Matter: Once the parties have decided to go ahead with the proceedings and appear for the second motion, they can do so and proceed with the final hearings. This step involves parties appearing and recording statements before the Family Court. Recently, however, the Supreme Court has held that the 6 months period given to the parties can be waived off at the discretion of the court. Therefore, the cooling-off period in cases where the parties have genuinely settled their differences including alimony, custody of the child, or any other pending issues between the parties, and if the court is of the opinion that the waiting period will only prolong their sufferings, this 6 months it can be waived off. If the 2nd motion is not made within the period of 18 months, the court will not pass any decree for divorce. It is also a settled law that either party can withdraw their consent at any time before the passing of the decree.

6. Decree of Divorce: In a mutual divorce, both parties must have given consent and there shall not be any differences in contentions regarding alimony, custody of the child, maintenance, property, etc. If the court is satisfied after hearing both the parties, that the allegations in the petition are true and that there cannot be any reconciliation and possibility of cohabitation, it can pass a decree of divorce, thus finalizing divorce.

What are the Documents / Information required for Divorce by Mutual Consent?

There are several documents that the parties would be required to submit for a divorce by mutual consent, if you want to know how to get a divorce in India from wife.

  1. Address proof of husband and wife
  2. Professional and financial details of both husband and wife for division of assets as may be required
  3. Property and asset details of husband and wife as may be required for settlement of property and assets
  4. Marriage Certificate
  5. Information regarding family background as may be required for custody of children, etc.
  6. Wedding photographs of the husband and wife
  7. Evidence that may prove that the husband and wife have not been living together for more than a year
  8. Evidence that can show failed attempts to reconcile, as may be required

Legal Provisions for Mutual consent Divorce

In India, divorce laws allow couples to mutually agree on separation. Different marriage acts apply to various communities:

  1. Hindu Marriage Act: For Hindus, Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955requires a minimum one-year separation.
  2. Marriage under Special Marriage Act: The Special Marriage Act 1954, under Section 28, enables mutual consent divorce.
  3. The Divorce Act 1869, Section 10A, requires a two-year minimum separation and i applicable to Christians
  4. Parsi couples follow the Parsi Marriage Act 1936
  5. Muslims have their own provisions based on their personal and religious laws.

Regardless of their religion, people in both separated and married situations aim to preserve the sanctity and importance of marriage. In such cases, individuals can attempt a reconciliation process through third-party intervention, like mediation or counseling, before pursuing divorce. If these efforts prove unsuccessful, the petitioner may proceed with a divorce application, granted both parties agree.

Regardless of their religion, people in both separated and married situations aim to preserve the sanctity and importance of marriage. In such cases, individuals can attempt a reconciliation process through third-party intervention, like mediation or counseling, before pursuing divorce. If these efforts prove unsuccessful, the petitioner may proceed with a divorce application, granted both parties agree.

How much Time does it take to get a Mutual Consent Divorce?

Mutual consent divorce is a more time saving method, as compared to contested divorce. There's also a mandatory six-month gap between the initial and final divorce motions, though the court can waive this waiting period under certain circumstances. Typically, mutual consent divorces take around 18-24 months to finalize.

What is the Procedure to file for Contested or One Sided Divorce in India?

Under most divorce laws in India, a contested divorce (when one party wishes to go for divorce but the other party does not consent) can be filed based upon different grounds mentioned in the Act. The journey of getting a contested divorce begins by consulting an expert divorce lawyer. You will have to explain your entire marital situation in detail to your lawyer so that he can give the most suitable and best advice and guide the client as per his/her best interest. You can consult top rated lawyers from LawRato and can even ask free legal questions from a wide network of divorce advocates.

1. Preparing the Petition for Divorce: In a contested divorce, a single party is required to approach the lawyer as has been stated earlier. The husband/wife seeking divorce would have to explain the facts and the lawyer would be required to prepare the petition based upon these facts and circumstances explained and narrated. The Petition would have to be accompanied by relevant documents supporting the allegations as made in the petition. After it has been finalized, the petition along with affidavits and vakalatnama would be signed by the party contesting.

2. Filing of the Petition: Once the petition has been prepared and all formalities have been fulfilled, it would be filed before the appropriate family court, depending upon the jurisdiction.

3. Scrutiny of the Petition by Court: The petition is then scrutinized on the first date of hearing and the opening arguments (regarding the grounds and allegations) will also be heard from the lawyer representing the party filing the petition.

4. Appearance of the opposite side party in Court: Once the court is satisfied that the matter should move ahead and be adjudicated, it would issue a notice to be served upon the other party. After this, a copy of the petition and the notice would be sent to the other party and on the next date of hearing, he/she would have to appear in court along with their lawyer. The opposite party would also have to file a reply to the divorce petition and any other application as the case may be.

5. Direction for Mediation: Initially, the Court will try to resolve the matter between the parties and may also direct them to appear for Mediation so as to reach an amicable solution. Once the mediation process is done with, the court continues with the divorce proceedings, if such mediation was not fruitful.

6. Framing of issues and recording of evidence by Court: The court would then proceed with the matter and frame issues and record evidence. Both the parties would be required to submit evidence to prove for or against the grounds and allegations, get cross-examined, and produce supporting witnesses. This is the most crucial aspect of the entire proceedings - it decides the fate of the case.

7. Final arguments by counsels of the parties: Once the lengthy procedure of recording/producing evidence and cross-examinations is completed, advocates for both parties would be required to give their final arguments before the Judge. After this, a date would be fixed for the pronouncing of the decision.

8. Final decision by the Court:

The Judge would give its final decision and if it deems fit, would grant a decree of divorce. The verdict is based upon the facts and circumstances of each case. If in case the verdict is not accepted by either party, they can file an appeal against the said order, with the help of their divorce lawyer . The limitation to filing for appeal is 3 months from the date of the order.

What are the Documents / information required for Contested or One-Sided Divorce in India?

Several documents may be required for a contested divorce. A few may also be required to prove the ground(s) upon which the divorce has been sought. Some of the essential documents have been listed below:

  1. Address proof of husband
  2. Address proof of wife
  3. Photographs of marriage between the husband and wife
  4. Certificate of marriage
  5. Evidence supporting the ground(s) on which divorce is sought (cruelty, adultery, desertion, lunacy, leprosy, presumption of death, conversion to another religion, etc.)
  6. Professional and Financial proofs for asset distribution and for the purpose of maintenance and alimony, as the case may be
  7. Details of children, if child custody is involved.

Grounds for Contested Divorce

After understanding the contested divorce procedure in India, let us figure out the grounds for a contested divorce . If your marriage is solemnised under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, you have nine grounds for divorce provided in Section 13 of the Act, based on which you can file your petition to divorce your spouse.

You can file for divorce:

a) Presumption of Death : If he/she has not been heard of as being alive for a period of seven years or more by persons who would have naturally heard of it, had that party been alive

b) Adultery: If he/she has after the marriage had voluntary sexual intercourse with any other person

c) Cruelty: If he/she is treating you cruelly

d) Desertion: If he/she has deserted you for a continuous period of not less than two years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition

e) Conversion : If he/she has ceased to be a Hindu by conversion to another religion

f) Mental Disorder: If he/she is suffering incurably of unsound mind or has continuously or intermittently been suffering from a mental disorder, that you cannot reasonably be expected to live with such a person

g) Leprosy: If your husband/wife is suffering from a virulent and incurable form of leprosy

h)Venereal Disease: If he/she is suffering from venereal disease in a communicable form

i) Renunciation of the World: If your husband/wife has renounced the world by entering any religious order.

Other Grounds available for a Wife to Fiile for Divorce

Apart from the above grounds available to both husband and wife, there are some additional grounds that are available only for a wife for example, if your husband has been found guilty of rape, sodomy, or bestiality, you can ask for a divorce.

However, if your marriage whether consummated or not was solemnized before you attained the age of 15 years, and you want a divorce, you can do so but only before attaining the age of 18.

Where can you File the Divorce Petition?

Your divorce petition is filed at the family court which has jurisdiction over your matrimonial home, i.e. the place where you last lived as a married spouse after your wedding, or at the family court which falls under the jurisdiction of where the marriage had taken place.

Things to Remember Before Approaching Court for Divorce

Divorce is a tough choice, and it should never be rushed. Before you consider going to court to file for divorce, there are some important things to consider. Firstly, it's a good idea for couples not to hastily decide to end their marriage through divorce proceedings. Reconciliation is still possible if both partners are willing to try. Even if reconciliation is not possible, attempting to persuade or convince your spouse to reconsider may yield positive outcomes. If none of these approaches work, you can explore the option of a mutual consent divorce. This process allows couples to part ways with minimal complications.

When one spouse wants a divorce, but the other refuses to end the marriage, a contested divorce becomes necessary. To proceed with a contested divorce, you must meet one or more legal divorce grounds defined by the law. This typically happens when couples have irreconcilable differences and are at odds about obtaining a court-issued divorce decree. In such challenging situations, seeking guidance from experienced family court lawyers can be incredibly beneficial who will guide you on what direction to take, what grounds to undertake for decree of divorce and will also help in drafting and representing you in this difficult time, before the court of law.

Rights for Both Men and Women during divorce proceedings

Specific Rights for Men

Specific Rights for Women

How can a Mother Financially Protect her Child in Case of a Divorce

A mother should take steps to protect her child's financial future. To do this, she should get involved in understanding the family's finances. Identify any investments or assets and work with both lawyers to safeguard them from court decisions. Examining your life insurance policies and making any necessary changes can safeguard your child's financial well-being and future during a divorce. Additionally, consider establishing trust funds or savings accounts to cover future expenses like education, housing, or medical costs. This not only secures your financial stability but also lays a strong financial foundation for your children's future care.

Common challenges people often face during the divorce procedure

What can be the Repercussions if Divorce is not granted in India?

Divorce is one of the most stressful occurrences for any married couple. More than mutual divorce, contested divorce is especially an extremely complex and expensive issue in India.

Even couples that mutually consent to the divorce, must assure the court that they have been living separately for more than a year in order to have their petition considered. The suffering does not end until the procedure is over which makes the divorce process even harder for the couple and in such a scenario if divorce is not granted, it can make the issue even more traumatic for the couple and their family as well. Thus, by hiring a divorce attorney, a person can make sure that he can avoid delay and reduce the stresses involved in the mutual and contested divorce procedures in India.

Here are some tips before you fix your Consultation with a Lawyer

New Rules for Divorce in India 2023

In 2023, substantial alterations to divorce procedures and regulations were made in India, especially under the Hindu Marriage Act.

Notable adjustments include expanded grounds for divorce, such as adultery, mental or physical cruelty, desertion, conversion, and the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage. Unlike the previous law, which primarily focused on physical violence and harassment as forms of mental cruelty, the updated regulations encompass a broader range of actions, including financial neglect and obstructing child access.

Furthermore, the duration required for desertion before seeking divorce has been shortened from 2 years to only 1 year. Another significant change in this law allows both partners to initiate divorce proceedings based on adultery, instead of limiting this option to the betrayed spouse alone.

As per these new rules for divorce , in cases of mutual divorce, the earlier compulsory 6 month cooling off period can be waived off at the discretion of the Court.

These rules specifically pertain to Hindus, and different religious communities have their own divorce regulations. The impact of these amendments on Hindu marriages is yet to be observed, but they are expected to lessen conflicts during divorces and expand choices for those seeking legal separation. Some of the new rules of 2023 have been explained in detail below:

Waiving the Mandatory 6 Months Period for Rehabilitation

The 2023 regulations have amended the necessity of a 6-month cooling period for couples pursuing divorce. Initially designed to provide couples with an opportunity to reconsider their decision and attempt to repair their marriage in instances of misunderstandings, this six-month waiting period can now be waived at the discretion of the Court in certain circumstances. The Court will assess the unique circumstances of each case before deciding whether it is preferable to proceed with an immediate divorce or allow for a six-month period for potential reconciliation efforts.

This change offers more flexibility in the divorce process, empowering individuals dealing with severe relationship issues to make informed choices about their future without strict regulations holding them back.

Concept of & lsquo Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage'

Irretrievable breakdown of marriage is when despite best efforts, the spouses are unable to sort out differences and live together peacefully. The idea behind introducing the concept of & quot irretrievable marriage breakdown& quot was to make divorce easier when both parties want to separate. It was meant to avoid lengthy and complex court procedures where each person's faults had to be proven. However, using this reason for divorce doesn't guarantee an easy break-up. Complications can still arise based on the circumstances and evidence presented in court by both sides.

In a recent landmark judgment (Shilpa Sailash vs Varun Sreenivasan, 2023), the Supreme Court held that it can exercise discretion under Article 142 of the Constitution of India (inherent powers), while dissolving a marriage on the ground of irretrievable breakdown of marriage. However, it was also mentioned that such discretion must be exercised with great care and caution. The court must determine if there are valid reasons for divorce. To proceed, it needs evidence of irreparable differences or the unwillingness of one or both spouses to stay together. If all legal conditions are met, and no other options are available, the court grants a legal separation. In a significant case, Sangamitra Ghose Vs Bhaskar Rao Chodaparthy, the Supreme Court recognized irretrievable breakdown as a valid ground for divorce. This decision reflects the belief that continuing unhappy marriages can infringe on individuals' rights to dignity and peace.

Law of Maintenance Extended for Live-in Relationships

The law now recognizes live-in relationships like marriages when it comes to providing support to women. This change extends similar rights to women in live-in relationships as those who are married or separated. This decision, based on a 1955 court ruling, ensures that women in live-in relationships can also receive maintenance under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CRPC) .

Several important rights that were originally designed for married couples now also extend to couples in live-in relationships. These rights cover matters like inheritance, guardianship, and custody. It's essential to note that living together without marriage doesn't establish a legal bond, so both partners have equal protection against domestic violence .

Moreover, women in cohabiting relationships possess the entitlement to claim alimony from their partners under the Code of Criminal Procedure. This can occur upon giving notice and proving abandonment or desertion arising from the conflict within the initial two years of marriage. To enable this, a petition under Section 125 of the Act can be lodged before the magistrate.

Important Points to Remember during Divorce

Alimony or Maintenance Issues

Alimony , also known as maintenance allowances, is a crucial aspect of divorce. It involves financial support to sustain the recipient spouse's lifestyle post-divorce. This support can take various forms, including regular payments, property transfers, and even health insurance coverage for a specified duration following the divorce.

In most cases, courts will not order permanent support unless it's necessary due to one spouse's disability. To decide on alimony, courts consider factors like the duration of the marriage, the spouses' ages, their incomes and earning potential, retirement benefits, and any misconduct during the marriage. They also look at the financial resources available to both parties. Additionally, the court may consider other relevant evidence to determine if alimony should be granted and at what amount. Alimony matters can get quite complex based on a couple's unique situation, so it's essential to consult a good divorce lawyer in detail in order to strategise properly.

Settlement of Property Matters

Property matters in family law are commonly resolved alongside issues like divorce, paternity disputes, and child custody. In India, child custody is regulated by the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, which is the primary law on this matter. Custody can generally be of three types: sole/exclusive (one parent has custody), shared/joint (both parents share custody), or third-party custody (neither parent has full custody rights). In cases involving children under 5 years old, it is generally the mother who gets custody. According to the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act 1986, boys under 2 years old are granted to their mothers, and daughters stay with their mothers no matter what. This information is crucial to consider in property-related issues like divorce settlements and debt payments because it can greatly impact court decisions. Childcare arrangements play a significant role in such legal matters.

Child Custody Matters in Divorce

Child custody is a complex and emotionally charged issue that arises during divorce. When couples divorce, they must determine child custody arrangements, deciding who will raise their children. The cost of getting a divorce varies by state and individual circumstances. Generally, filing for divorce itself is relatively inexpensive compared to the legal fees associated with potential court proceedings. Court fees are often minimal, sometimes as low as INR 25 for an appeal. However, the main cost for couples seeking to establish child custody terms is typically the fees charged by their lawyers. Therefore, it's crucial for those involved to have a clear understanding of the fee arrangement with their lawyer before initiating legal proceedings.

Commonly Stated Incidents that Eventually Lead to a Divorce

When both partners fail to uphold the sanctity of marriage, it is bound to end in divorce sooner or later. Marriage is a shared responsibility where both individuals promise to bring happiness into each other's lives. Unfortunately, many marriages are falling apart due to insecurity and other differences, resulting in painful experiences that lead people to consider divorce as a way to find temporary relief in family courts. Adultery i.e. affairs outside of marriage, cruelty, emotional distance, etc. are often common reasons for divorce in court. Abuse, whether physical or mental, can also lead to divorce when it causes severe harm. Additionally, a complete lack of sexual intimacy can be a reason for filing divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, these situations are increasingly common, and sometimes, ending the marriage is the only solution to prevent physical and psychological suffering.

General Statistics related to Divorce Cases in India

Rise in Divorce Rates: Over the years, India has seen a gradual surge in the Divorce cases which has historically been relatively low in the nation. This changing phenomenon is being treated as an indicator of the shifting societal norms and individual aspirations.

Regional Variations: Different states and regions have different divorce rates. This has always been a generic aspect when it comes to divorce rate in India. For example, Maharashtra and Karnataka have comparatively higher divorce rates than other states.

Urban vs. Rural Divide: Urbanization has resulted in widespread awareness and now we see educated women in the house who can raise their voice against generational wrongs that they have been tolerating. This is among the reasons for a varying Divorce rate in urban areas and rural areas and as expected, Divorce rates are higher in urban areas.

Age Group: Due to changing priorities and aspirations among couples who are young, in their 20s and 30s, the divorce rates are higher.

Causes of Divorce: Communication gap, financial issues, emotional breakdowns, trust issues, differing values, unhappiness, insecurity, desire for independence, erratic work schedules, and substance abuse are some common reasons for divorce in India.

Important Judgements on Divorce

1. Smt. Sureshta Devi vs. Om Prakash 1992 AIR 1904

The requirement of & lsquo living separately' was analyzed by the Supreme Court. It was held by the court that this expression means & lsquo not living like husband and wife'. It was stated that this does not have any relation to the place of living. If the couple is living in the same house yet does not carry out their matrimonial duties, even then, it is considered as them 'living separately'.

2. Smruti Pahadia vs. Sanjay Pahadia

In the above matter, the Court held that while giving the decision on the mutual divorce matter, the court must satisfy itself that the consent given by the parties must be voluntary in nature. If the party to the matter is absent in the proceeding, after a period of 6 months in divorce by mutual consent, then, presuming consent on behalf of the party is not the right method just because both parties i.e. husband and wife were signatories to the first motion under Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act.

Why do you need a lawyer to file your Divorce petition?

Regardless of the type of divorce you seek (mutual or contested), it is crucial to hire a good and experienced lawyer who can represent/guide you in your divorce proceedings.

Have a consultation with an experienced and well-versed divorce lawyer . You may avail LawRato’s Free Legal Advice service for expert guidance on your divorce or matrimonial matters. Some divorces, though seemingly uncomplicated, can present complexities best addressed by a knowledgeable lawyer. Even if you plan to represent yourself, a consultation with a legal expert can significantly enhance your preparation.

Get hassle-free divorce by mutual consent with LawRato's Mutual Divorce Service . This service includes everything from consultation with leading Divorce Lawyers to obtain Divorce Decree from the Court.

What is Divorce?

Dissolution or termination of marriage is termed as Divorce. In India, just like marriage laws, divorce laws also vary, based on the religion of the parties and the laws under which the marriage took place.

In the Indian legal system, the divorce process initiates with the filing a divorce petition. This can be initiated by one spouse unilaterally or jointly by both parties in the case of mutual agreement. The steps and procedures for both contested and mutual divorces are delineated in this legal guide.

If you are looking to connect with a lawyer for your divorce, you can consult one by simply filling in your details in the box above. With LawRato , you can get in touch with the top rated divorce lawyers near you for all your legal requirements. Ending of a marriage need not be the end of your future, and we ensure that.

What are the types of divorce under Hindu law?

Divorce under Hindu law is regulated by the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. This Act has classified divorce into two main categories:

Mutual Divorce

In the scenario where both spouses want to amicably end their marriage, they can choose to go for a mutual consent divorce, governed by Section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act. In mutual divorce, pre-determining issues related to child custody, alimony, shared assets, etc. becomes essential for both parties. The spouses must fulfill the requirement of living separately for at least one year before filing for a mutual divorce.

Contested Divorce

Contested divorce is when only one spouse wants a divorce, while the other spouse is not willing to divorce their partner. These divorces require careful handling because there might not be much evidence to support either side's claims on things like alimony and child custody in court. While contested divorces often don't lead to amicable solutions between couples, they can be appealing to those trapped in a difficult marriage with no other way out.

What is the procedure to file for Divorce by Mutual Consent in India?

Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 covers the provision of mutual consent divorce. There is a set procedure to file for it, as given under this section. The steps/procedure/requirements for filing a mutual divorce petition have been explained below:

1. Hiring a Lawyer and Filing of a petition:When starting a divorce process, the first step is to engage an expert legal practitioner who can aid in drafting a joint petition for marriage dissolution, which both spouses can present to the family court. The petition must assert a year-long separation or an inability to cohabit together, along with a mutual agreement to end the marriage, signed by both parties.

2. Appearing before the Court and scrutiny of the petition: Both parties must attend the family court following the submission of the petition. They will be accompanied by their legal representatives. The court will review the petition and all accompanying documents. Efforts may be made by the court to reconcile the parties through counselling. However, if reconciliation is not possible, the divorce proceedings will continue.

3. Passing of orders for the recording of statements on oath:
Once the petition is scrutinised by the Court and it is satisfied, it may order the parties’ statements to be recorded on oath.

4. Order on First Motion and passing of 6 months period before Second Motion: Within 6-18 months from the date of presentation of the divorce petition in the Family Court, the second motion can be filed. If the second motion is not filed within this timeframe, the court will not pass any decree for divorce.

5. Second Motion and Final Hearing of the Matter: Once the parties have decided to go ahead with the proceedings and appear for the second motion, they can do so and proceed with the final hearings. This step involves parties appearing and recording statements before the Family Court. Recently, however, the Supreme Court has held that the 6 months period given to the parties can be waived off at the discretion of the court. Therefore, the cooling-off period in cases where the parties have genuinely settled their differences including alimony, custody of the child, or any other pending issues between the parties, and if the court is of the opinion that the waiting period will only prolong their sufferings, this 6 months it can be waived off. If the 2nd motion is not made within the period of 18 months, the court will not pass any decree for divorce. It is also a settled law that either party can withdraw their consent at any time before the passing of the decree.

6. Decree of Divorce: In a mutual divorce, both parties must have given consent and there shall not be any differences in contentions regarding alimony, custody of the child, maintenance, property, etc. If the court is satisfied after hearing both the parties, that the allegations in the petition are true and that there cannot be any reconciliation and possibility of cohabitation, it can pass a decree of divorce, thus finalizing divorce.

What are the Documents / Information required for Divorce by Mutual Consent?

There are several documents that the parties would be required to submit for a divorce by mutual consent, if you want to know how to get a divorce in India from wife.

  1. Address proof of husband and wife
  2. Professional and financial details of both husband and wife for division of assets as may be required
  3. Property and asset details of husband and wife as may be required for settlement of property and assets
  4. Marriage Certificate
  5. Information regarding family background as may be required for custody of children, etc.
  6. Wedding photographs of the husband and wife
  7. Evidence that may prove that the husband and wife have not been living together for more than a year
  8. Evidence that can show failed attempts to reconcile, as may be required

Legal Provisions for Mutual consent Divorce

In India, divorce laws allow couples to mutually agree on separation. Different marriage acts apply to various communities:

  1. Hindu Marriage Act: For Hindus, Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955requires a minimum one-year separation.
  2. Marriage under Special Marriage Act: The Special Marriage Act 1954, under Section 28, enables mutual consent divorce.
  3. The Divorce Act 1869, Section 10A, requires a two-year minimum separation and i applicable to Christians
  4. Parsi couples follow the Parsi Marriage Act 1936
  5. Muslims have their own provisions based on their personal and religious laws.

Regardless of their religion, people in both separated and married situations aim to preserve the sanctity and importance of marriage. In such cases, individuals can attempt a reconciliation process through third-party intervention, like mediation or counseling, before pursuing divorce. If these efforts prove unsuccessful, the petitioner may proceed with a divorce application, granted both parties agree.

Regardless of their religion, people in both separated and married situations aim to preserve the sanctity and importance of marriage. In such cases, individuals can attempt a reconciliation process through third-party intervention, like mediation or counseling, before pursuing divorce. If these efforts prove unsuccessful, the petitioner may proceed with a divorce application, granted both parties agree.

How much Time does it take to get a Mutual Consent Divorce?

Mutual consent divorce is a more time saving method, as compared to contested divorce. There's also a mandatory six-month gap between the initial and final divorce motions, though the court can waive this waiting period under certain circumstances. Typically, mutual consent divorces take around 18-24 months to finalize.

What is the Procedure to file for Contested or One Sided Divorce in India?

Under most divorce laws in India, a contested divorce (when one party wishes to go for divorce but the other party does not consent) can be filed based upon different grounds mentioned in the Act. The journey of getting a contested divorce begins by consulting an expert divorce lawyer. You will have to explain your entire marital situation in detail to your lawyer so that he can give the most suitable and best advice and guide the client as per his/her best interest. You can consult top rated lawyers from LawRato and can even ask free legal questions from a wide network of divorce advocates.

1. Preparing the Petition for Divorce: In a contested divorce, a single party is required to approach the lawyer as has been stated earlier. The husband/wife seeking divorce would have to explain the facts and the lawyer would be required to prepare the petition based upon these facts and circumstances explained and narrated. The Petition would have to be accompanied by relevant documents supporting the allegations as made in the petition. After it has been finalized, the petition along with affidavits and vakalatnama would be signed by the party contesting.

2. Filing of the Petition: Once the petition has been prepared and all formalities have been fulfilled, it would be filed before the appropriate family court, depending upon the jurisdiction.

3. Scrutiny of the Petition by Court: The petition is then scrutinized on the first date of hearing and the opening arguments (regarding the grounds and allegations) will also be heard from the lawyer representing the party filing the petition.

4. Appearance of the opposite side party in Court: Once the court is satisfied that the matter should move ahead and be adjudicated, it would issue a notice to be served upon the other party. After this, a copy of the petition and the notice would be sent to the other party and on the next date of hearing, he/she would have to appear in court along with their lawyer. The opposite party would also have to file a reply to the divorce petition and any other application as the case may be.

5. Direction for Mediation: Initially, the Court will try to resolve the matter between the parties and may also direct them to appear for Mediation so as to reach an amicable solution. Once the mediation process is done with, the court continues with the divorce proceedings, if such mediation was not fruitful.

6. Framing of issues and recording of evidence by Court: The court would then proceed with the matter and frame issues and record evidence. Both the parties would be required to submit evidence to prove for or against the grounds and allegations, get cross-examined, and produce supporting witnesses. This is the most crucial aspect of the entire proceedings - it decides the fate of the case.

7. Final arguments by counsels of the parties: Once the lengthy procedure of recording/producing evidence and cross-examinations is completed, advocates for both parties would be required to give their final arguments before the Judge. After this, a date would be fixed for the pronouncing of the decision.

8. Final decision by the Court:

The Judge would give its final decision and if it deems fit, would grant a decree of divorce. The verdict is based upon the facts and circumstances of each case. If in case the verdict is not accepted by either party, they can file an appeal against the said order, with the help of their divorce lawyer. The limitation to filing for appeal is 3 months from the date of the order.

What are the Documents / information required for Contested or One-Sided Divorce in India?

Several documents may be required for a contested divorce. A few may also be required to prove the ground(s) upon which the divorce has been sought. Some of the essential documents have been listed below:

  1. Address proof of husband
  2. Address proof of wife
  3. Photographs of marriage between the husband and wife
  4. Certificate of marriage
  5. Evidence supporting the ground(s) on which divorce is sought (cruelty, adultery, desertion, lunacy, leprosy, presumption of death, conversion to another religion, etc.)
  6. Professional and Financial proofs for asset distribution and for the purpose of maintenance and alimony, as the case may be
  7. Details of children, if child custody is involved.

Grounds for Contested Divorce

After understanding the contested divorce procedure in India, let us figure out the grounds for a contested divorce. If your marriage is solemnised under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, you have nine grounds for divorce provided in Section 13 of the Act, based on which you can file your petition to divorce your spouse.

You can file for divorce:

a) Presumption of Death : If he/she has not been heard of as being alive for a period of seven years or more by persons who would have naturally heard of it, had that party been alive

b) Adultery: If he/she has after the marriage had voluntary sexual intercourse with any other person

c) Cruelty: If he/she is treating you cruelly

d) Desertion: If he/she has deserted you for a continuous period of not less than two years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition

e) Conversion : If he/she has ceased to be a Hindu by conversion to another religion

f) Mental Disorder: If he/she is suffering incurably of unsound mind or has continuously or intermittently been suffering from a mental disorder, that you cannot reasonably be expected to live with such a person

g) Leprosy: If your husband/wife is suffering from a virulent and incurable form of leprosy

h)Venereal Disease: If he/she is suffering from venereal disease in a communicable form

i) Renunciation of the World: If your husband/wife has renounced the world by entering any religious order.

Other Grounds available for a Wife to Fiile for Divorce

Apart from the above grounds available to both husband and wife, there are some additional grounds that are available only for a wife for example, if your husband has been found guilty of rape, sodomy, or bestiality, you can ask for a divorce.

However, if your marriage whether consummated or not was solemnized before you attained the age of 15 years, and you want a divorce, you can do so but only before attaining the age of 18.

Where can you File the Divorce Petition?

Your divorce petition is filed at the family court which has jurisdiction over your matrimonial home, i.e. the place where you last lived as a married spouse after your wedding, or at the family court which falls under the jurisdiction of where the marriage had taken place.

Things to Remember Before Approaching Court for Divorce

Divorce is a tough choice, and it should never be rushed. Before you consider going to court to file for divorce, there are some important things to consider. Firstly, it's a good idea for couples not to hastily decide to end their marriage through divorce proceedings. Reconciliation is still possible if both partners are willing to try. Even if reconciliation is not possible, attempting to persuade or convince your spouse to reconsider may yield positive outcomes. If none of these approaches work, you can explore the option of a mutual consent divorce. This process allows couples to part ways with minimal complications.

When one spouse wants a divorce, but the other refuses to end the marriage, a contested divorce becomes necessary. To proceed with a contested divorce, you must meet one or more legal divorce grounds defined by the law. This typically happens when couples have irreconcilable differences and are at odds about obtaining a court-issued divorce decree. In such challenging situations, seeking guidance from experienced family court lawyers can be incredibly beneficial who will guide you on what direction to take, what grounds to undertake for decree of divorce and will also help in drafting and representing you in this difficult time, before the court of law.

Rights for Both Men and Women during divorce proceedings

Specific Rights for Men

Specific Rights for Women

How can a Mother Financially Protect her Child in Case of a Divorce

A mother should take steps to protect her child's financial future. To do this, she should get involved in understanding the family's finances. Identify any investments or assets and work with both lawyers to safeguard them from court decisions. Examining your life insurance policies and making any necessary changes can safeguard your child's financial well-being and future during a divorce. Additionally, consider establishing trust funds or savings accounts to cover future expenses like education, housing, or medical costs. This not only secures your financial stability but also lays a strong financial foundation for your children's future care.

Common challenges people often face during the divorce procedure

What can be the Repercussions if Divorce is not granted in India?

Divorce is one of the most stressful occurrences for any married couple. More than mutual divorce, contested divorce is especially an extremely complex and expensive issue in India.

Even couples that mutually consent to the divorce, must assure the court that they have been living separately for more than a year in order to have their petition considered. The suffering does not end until the procedure is over which makes the divorce process even harder for the couple and in such a scenario if divorce is not granted, it can make the issue even more traumatic for the couple and their family as well. Thus, by hiring a divorce attorney, a person can make sure that he can avoid delay and reduce the stresses involved in the mutual and contested divorce procedures in India.

Here are some tips before you fix your Consultation with a Lawyer

New Rules for Divorce in India 2023

In 2023, substantial alterations to divorce procedures and regulations were made in India, especially under the Hindu Marriage Act.

Notable adjustments include expanded grounds for divorce, such as adultery, mental or physical cruelty, desertion, conversion, and the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage. Unlike the previous law, which primarily focused on physical violence and harassment as forms of mental cruelty, the updated regulations encompass a broader range of actions, including financial neglect and obstructing child access.

Furthermore, the duration required for desertion before seeking divorce has been shortened from 2 years to only 1 year. Another significant change in this law allows both partners to initiate divorce proceedings based on adultery, instead of limiting this option to the betrayed spouse alone.

As per these new rules for divorce, in cases of mutual divorce, the earlier compulsory 6 month cooling off period can be waived off at the discretion of the Court.

These rules specifically pertain to Hindus, and different religious communities have their own divorce regulations. The impact of these amendments on Hindu marriages is yet to be observed, but they are expected to lessen conflicts during divorces and expand choices for those seeking legal separation. Some of the new rules of 2023 have been explained in detail below:

Waiving the Mandatory 6 Months Period for Rehabilitation

The 2023 regulations have amended the necessity of a 6-month cooling period for couples pursuing divorce. Initially designed to provide couples with an opportunity to reconsider their decision and attempt to repair their marriage in instances of misunderstandings, this six-month waiting period can now be waived at the discretion of the Court in certain circumstances. The Court will assess the unique circumstances of each case before deciding whether it is preferable to proceed with an immediate divorce or allow for a six-month period for potential reconciliation efforts.

This change offers more flexibility in the divorce process, empowering individuals dealing with severe relationship issues to make informed choices about their future without strict regulations holding them back.

Concept of & lsquo Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage'

Irretrievable breakdown of marriage is when despite best efforts, the spouses are unable to sort out differences and live together peacefully. The idea behind introducing the concept of & quot irretrievable marriage breakdown& quot was to make divorce easier when both parties want to separate. It was meant to avoid lengthy and complex court procedures where each person's faults had to be proven. However, using this reason for divorce doesn't guarantee an easy break-up. Complications can still arise based on the circumstances and evidence presented in court by both sides.

In a recent landmark judgment (Shilpa Sailash vs Varun Sreenivasan, 2023), the Supreme Court held that it can exercise discretion under Article 142 of the Constitution of India (inherent powers), while dissolving a marriage on the ground of irretrievable breakdown of marriage. However, it was also mentioned that such discretion must be exercised with great care and caution. The court must determine if there are valid reasons for divorce. To proceed, it needs evidence of irreparable differences or the unwillingness of one or both spouses to stay together. If all legal conditions are met, and no other options are available, the court grants a legal separation. In a significant case, Sangamitra Ghose Vs Bhaskar Rao Chodaparthy, the Supreme Court recognized irretrievable breakdown as a valid ground for divorce. This decision reflects the belief that continuing unhappy marriages can infringe on individuals' rights to dignity and peace.

Law of Maintenance Extended for Live-in Relationships

The law now recognizes live-in relationships like marriages when it comes to providing support to women. This change extends similar rights to women in live-in relationships as those who are married or separated. This decision, based on a 1955 court ruling, ensures that women in live-in relationships can also receive maintenance under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CRPC).

Several important rights that were originally designed for married couples now also extend to couples in live-in relationships. These rights cover matters like inheritance, guardianship, and custody. It's essential to note that living together without marriage doesn't establish a legal bond, so both partners have equal protection against domestic violence.

Moreover, women in cohabiting relationships possess the entitlement to claim alimony from their partners under the Code of Criminal Procedure. This can occur upon giving notice and proving abandonment or desertion arising from the conflict within the initial two years of marriage. To enable this, a petition under Section 125 of the Act can be lodged before the magistrate.

Important Points to Remember during Divorce

Alimony or Maintenance Issues

Alimony, also known as maintenance allowances, is a crucial aspect of divorce. It involves financial support to sustain the recipient spouse's lifestyle post-divorce. This support can take various forms, including regular payments, property transfers, and even health insurance coverage for a specified duration following the divorce.

In most cases, courts will not order permanent support unless it's necessary due to one spouse's disability. To decide on alimony, courts consider factors like the duration of the marriage, the spouses' ages, their incomes and earning potential, retirement benefits, and any misconduct during the marriage. They also look at the financial resources available to both parties. Additionally, the court may consider other relevant evidence to determine if alimony should be granted and at what amount. Alimony matters can get quite complex based on a couple's unique situation, so it's essential to consult a good divorce lawyer in detail in order to strategise properly.

Settlement of Property Matters

Property matters in family law are commonly resolved alongside issues like divorce, paternity disputes, and child custody. In India, child custody is regulated by the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, which is the primary law on this matter. Custody can generally be of three types: sole/exclusive (one parent has custody), shared/joint (both parents share custody), or third-party custody (neither parent has full custody rights). In cases involving children under 5 years old, it is generally the mother who gets custody. According to the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act 1986, boys under 2 years old are granted to their mothers, and daughters stay with their mothers no matter what. This information is crucial to consider in property-related issues like divorce settlements and debt payments because it can greatly impact court decisions. Childcare arrangements play a significant role in such legal matters.

Child Custody Matters in Divorce

Child custody is a complex and emotionally charged issue that arises during divorce. When couples divorce, they must determine child custody arrangements, deciding who will raise their children. The cost of getting a divorce varies by state and individual circumstances. Generally, filing for divorce itself is relatively inexpensive compared to the legal fees associated with potential court proceedings. Court fees are often minimal, sometimes as low as INR 25 for an appeal. However, the main cost for couples seeking to establish child custody terms is typically the fees charged by their lawyers. Therefore, it's crucial for those involved to have a clear understanding of the fee arrangement with their lawyer before initiating legal proceedings.

Commonly Stated Incidents that Eventually Lead to a Divorce

When both partners fail to uphold the sanctity of marriage, it is bound to end in divorce sooner or later. Marriage is a shared responsibility where both individuals promise to bring happiness into each other's lives. Unfortunately, many marriages are falling apart due to insecurity and other differences, resulting in painful experiences that lead people to consider divorce as a way to find temporary relief in family courts. Adultery i.e. affairs outside of marriage, cruelty, emotional distance, etc. are often common reasons for divorce in court. Abuse, whether physical or mental, can also lead to divorce when it causes severe harm. Additionally, a complete lack of sexual intimacy can be a reason for filing divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, these situations are increasingly common, and sometimes, ending the marriage is the only solution to prevent physical and psychological suffering.

General Statistics related to Divorce Cases in India

Rise in Divorce Rates: Over the years, India has seen a gradual surge in the Divorce cases which has historically been relatively low in the nation. This changing phenomenon is being treated as an indicator of the shifting societal norms and individual aspirations.

Regional Variations: Different states and regions have different divorce rates. This has always been a generic aspect when it comes to divorce rate in India. For example, Maharashtra and Karnataka have comparatively higher divorce rates than other states.

Urban vs. Rural Divide: Urbanization has resulted in widespread awareness and now we see educated women in the house who can raise their voice against generational wrongs that they have been tolerating. This is among the reasons for a varying Divorce rate in urban areas and rural areas and as expected, Divorce rates are higher in urban areas.

Age Group: Due to changing priorities and aspirations among couples who are young, in their 20s and 30s, the divorce rates are higher.

Causes of Divorce: Communication gap, financial issues, emotional breakdowns, trust issues, differing values, unhappiness, insecurity, desire for independence, erratic work schedules, and substance abuse are some common reasons for divorce in India.

Important Judgements on Divorce

1. Smt. Sureshta Devi vs. Om Prakash 1992 AIR 1904

The requirement of & lsquo living separately' was analyzed by the Supreme Court. It was held by the court that this expression means & lsquo not living like husband and wife'. It was stated that this does not have any relation to the place of living. If the couple is living in the same house yet does not carry out their matrimonial duties, even then, it is considered as them 'living separately'.

2. Smruti Pahadia vs. Sanjay Pahadia

In the above matter, the Court held that while giving the decision on the mutual divorce matter, the court must satisfy itself that the consent given by the parties must be voluntary in nature. If the party to the matter is absent in the proceeding, after a period of 6 months in divorce by mutual consent, then, presuming consent on behalf of the party is not the right method just because both parties i.e. husband and wife were signatories to the first motion under Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act.

Why do you need a lawyer to file your Divorce petition?

Regardless of the type of divorce you seek (mutual or contested), it is crucial to hire a good and experienced lawyer who can represent/guide you in your divorce proceedings.

Have a consultation with an experienced and well-versed divorce lawyer.You may avail LawRato’s Free Legal Advice service for expert guidance on your divorce or matrimonial matters. Some divorces, though seemingly uncomplicated, can present complexities best addressed by a knowledgeable lawyer. Even if you plan to represent yourself, a consultation with a legal expert can significantly enhance your preparation.

Get hassle-free divorce by mutual consent with LawRato's Mutual Divorce Service. This service includes everything from consultation with leading Divorce Lawyers to obtain Divorce Decree from the Court.

Advocate Chikirsha Mohanty

Advocate Chikirsha Mohanty

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