The Return of Jafar

The Return of Jafar is an American-Arabic direct-to-video sequel to the Disney hit Aladdin. It was released in 1994.




Iago: [smears dirt all over himself] I'll just get Aladdin on my side with a little sympathy act. And I'll be back in the palace quicker than you can say "Easy Street." [Aladdin turns corner to find him, who's pretending to pant for breath] Aladdin! I've finally got free. of Jafar. Aladdin: [angrily surprised] Iago! What are you doing here? Iago: Where are you? Getting dark. Hold me. [Aladdin tries to grab him] AHH! Hey, I meant gentle-like! Genie: [returns to Agrabah] He's big! He's blue! He's BACK! [Aladdin and Jasmine embrace him] Aladdin: Genie! Jasmine: You came back! Genie: [turns red; winces] WATCH THE SUNBURN! [turns blue again] A-ha! Kidding. Did ya miss me? Be honest. Abis Mal: [to himself after Aladdin robbed him] That stinkin' Aladdin. First chance I get, I'll slice him in half. Thief: [to other thieves] That stinking Abis Mal. First chance we get, let's slice him in half. Abis Mal: [to the thieves] Hey, get over here and wash up! It's bad enough having to look at you without having to smell you. Thief: [to the other thieves] Come. We do it now. No witnesses. [draws his sword] Abis Mal: [takes a pail out of the well and dumps some water on top of himself, and Jafar's lamp falls out of the pail and hits him on the head] Ow! What is this? So help me, I'll sue whoever runs this well! A lamp? [picks it up] Well. [laughs] It might be worth a few shekels once it's cleaned up. [rubs it] Thief: It will be of little use to you, Abis Mal, except to light your way in the valley of the dead. [the thieves pull out their swords ready strike Abis Mal; red smoke suddenly erupts from the lamp] It is bewitched! [All the thieves except Abis Mal get on their horses and ride away in panic. Jafar's evil laugh is heard as he comes out] Jafar: I am FREE!! Free to exact vengeance upon he who has imprisoned me! [Jafar attempts to leave but can't as his shackles prevent him from leaving the proximity of his lamp] Jafar: It is the curse of the lamp. All the power in the universe, and I am bound by the rules of the GENIE! Which means, I can't kill that upstart Aladdin! Unless I have someone arrange it for me. Take me to Agrabah at ONCE! [Abis Mal cowards and speaks nervous gibberish] Jafar: I suppose I am a bit too much for his limited mind. [reforms to his human form] I trust you'll find me a little less overwhelming now? Abis Mal: You're. a genie? Jafar: You are astonishingly perceptive. Abis Mal: Um, eh, um– If you're a genie, then, eh, don't I get. wishes? Jafar: Yes, three wishes. That is a minor formality. But first, I must go to Agrabah. You will take the lamp there for me. Abis Mal: Then, uh, ahem. you need me. I'll, uh, take you to Agrabah, but first, I want my wishes. [Jafar is angry, releasing red laser-like powers to zap Abis Mal so close and he’s about to strike a punch] Jafar: Why, you. You shall have your wishes. Abis Mal: I shall? I mean, of course I shall! I want, uh, I want riches, treasure! Let's see– I know, um– Uh, I wish for the legendary sunken treasure ship of Coeur du Mer! Jafar: Your wish is my command. [Jafar teleports both of them in the middle of the sea, where Abis Mal is drowning] Jafar: Poor sweet baby. Aren't we enjoying our wish? Abis Mal: [bubbling] No! [An octopus grabs Abis Mal] Jafar: Perhaps you wish me to return you to the desert? Abis Mal: [bubbling] Yes! Jafar: Very well. [Jafar teleports both him and Abis Mal back to the desert; Abis Mal spits out water] Jafar: That was two wishes. Take your time with the third, or you'll wish you had never been born. [Abis Mal gulps in utter fear] Jafar: On the other hand, if you cooperate with me, I will see that you are amply rewarded. Abis Mal: Rewarded? Jafar: First, you will help me get revenge on a certain street rat by the name of. Aladdin! Abis Mal: [gasps] Aladdin?! I want revenge on him too! He robbed me, turned my men against me, and he fought dirty! My brilliant swordsmanship availed me not! [accidentally slices his belt, making his pants fall] Oh, I hate when I do that. Jafar: Let's not be too hasty, my simple-minded friend. It's not enough that we simply destroy Aladdin. After all, there are things so much worse than death! Genie: [catches Aladdin and Jasmine on tape] Rolling! Today's special moments are tomorrow's memories. [to Jasmine] Looking great, Jazz. [to Aladdin] More emotion, Al. Tilt your chin a bit. Iago: [furiously flies up to the camera] What does he have to do to make it clear to you lunkheads?! [pushes Genie out of the way] The show's over. They want to be alone! Break it up! Genie: [runs up to Jasmine with Abu to catch up to Aladdin and the Sultan] Make room for the picnic boys! Jasmine: They already left, Genie. Genie: [gasps] Without us?! Abu: Without us? Genie: No problem. I'll catch up in a flash! Jasmine: Wait! Without me, too. Aladdin needs some time alone with Father to patch things up. Genie: [to Abu] You know what this means, monkey boy? [Abu nods] More food for us! [After defeating Jafar, everyone gathers around Iago, who appears as though injured and unconscious] Aladdin: But. I thought a Genie can't kill anybody. Iago: [coughs, as he awakens] You'd be surprised what you can live through. [coughs again] Aladdin: Alright! Jasmine: Oh, Iago! Genie: [laughs] He's ALIVE! [turns into a rocket and explodes] Abis Mal: [last lines after the credits] Does this mean I don't get my third wish?


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