Equal Opportunities

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Screen Ireland is committed to equality of opportunity and to eliminating any forms of discrimination, particularly those which are defined under the terms of the Employment Equality Acts, 1998 - 2015.

Screen Ireland is committed to implementing equal opportunities in all its policies, practices and procedures, without discrimination on any grounds specifically the nine grounds covered by the above legislation.

  1. Gender
  2. Civil/Marital Status
  3. Family Status
  4. Sexual Orientation
  5. Religious belief
  6. Age
  7. Disability (mental, or physical, including antibody status)
  8. Race (colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin)
  9. Membership of the Traveller Community

Individuals will be recruited, selected, promoted and developed on the basis of their capabilities and performance and according to the requirements of the job and will be given equal opportunity to show their abilities. This is done without regard to gender, civil/marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), age, disability, race or membership of the Traveller community. Positive action may be taken from time to time to offer training and encouragement to current and prospective employees from groups which may be under-represented in our workforce.

All personnel actions such as compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, returns from layoffs, training, education assistance, social and recreational programmes are administered without regard to gender, civil/marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), age, disability, race or membership of the Traveller community.

All employees that perform ‘like work’ (as defined in the Employment Equality Act, 1998) within Screen Ireland will be treated equally with regard to all aspects of their terms of employment i.e. working conditions, procedures for disciplinary measures and termination of employment. Equal opportunity within Screen Ireland applies to our employment policies and our customer service policy in terms of ensuring provision of equal opportunity to all applicants.

Screen Ireland is committed to the use of non-discriminatory language and illustrations whether in words or pictures in all documents, both internal and external.

Screen Ireland is concerned that all personnel should be able to perform their work in an environment which is free from threat, harassment or intimidation. Through Screen Ireland’s Dignity at Work Policy, the IFB fully endorses a working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, workplace bullying and/or victimisation.

We all have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect and to ensure that we do not discriminate unfairly. Equality is a core value of Screen Ireland.

Disability Policy

Throughout the course of employment, an employee with a disability will be entitled to the same opportunities for training and promotion, recognition, exposure to work and opportunities to gain experience as any other employee. An employee with a disability may within reason require special accommodation or equipment, or modifications to the work environment. Screen Ireland will make all reasonable efforts to engage with any such employee to ensure that insofar as practicable, the work and work environment are arranged to minimise problems. Screen Ireland will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in a health or safety concern.

The Executive Assistant, Niamh O’Reilly, is the Disability Officer in Screen Ireland. You can contact her at niamh.oreilly@screenireland.ie

There are two Screen Ireland offices, one located in Dublin and one located in Galway, both are wheelchair accessible.

The Dublin Screen Ireland Office is located at 14-16 Lord Edward St, Dublin 2 (including Screen Skills Ireland)

The Galway Screen Ireland office is located at Queensgate, 23 Dock Road, Galway.

Written directions to both offices are available on our website.

Both offices have disability access.


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