300 Writing Prompts for Middle School Students

300 Writing Prompts for Middle School Students

Here are 300 Writing Prompts for Middle School Students, when looking to engage middle school students in daily writing, it can be difficult to come up with enough creative yet educationally meaningful prompts to fill the school year. That’s why I was thrilled to uncover an incredible list of over 300 Writing Prompts for Middle School Students. With about 180 school days, this mega list of prompts could last nearly two school years without repeating! As a middle school teacher striving to make writing fun while also pushing my students to think deeper, stretch their perspectives, and grow their skills, I appreciate prompts tuned specifically to 11-14 year olds on topics that resonate with their developmental stage and experiences.

The list has prompts spanning popular middle school genres and themes ranging from relationships with friends, family, teachers, and community; to personal growth around emotions, hardships, ethics, and decision making; to navigating their changing identity and society around them. Examples that caught my eye include: “How can peers positively stand up to bullying?” and “What leadership lesson challenged you?” Imagine how students will light up responding to prompts that speak their language and tap into what they care about! With 300 on deck, I can target different skills and rotate in new prompts easily. This treasury of writing ideas unlocks an exciting year ahead!

These prompts are organized in the following categories:

On Relationships

  1. Write about what being a good friend means to you.
  2. Describe your best friend and what makes your relationship special.
  3. Write about a time a friend disappointed you. What happened and how did you handle it?
  4. What is the best advice about friendship you have ever received? Who gave you the advice?
  5. Describe a time you and your friend had an argument. How did you resolve it? What did you learn?
  6. What qualities do you look for in choosing friends? Explain why those qualities are important.
  7. What is your favorite memory with your best friend? What happened that makes it so memorable?
  8. Should friends always agree with each other? Explain your opinion using an example from your life.
  9. Write about a person who has been a mentor for you. How have they impacted your life?
  10. Describe how you balance time between family and friends. Give examples.
  11. Do you find making new friends easy or hard? Discuss a time you made a new friend.
  12. Explain three qualities that make someone a good family member. Provide examples from your experiences.
  13. Describe your relationship with your siblings or extended family members. Use examples.
  14. Should family always come before friends? Discuss why or why not using examples from your experiences.
  15. Write about a family tradition or ritual you have. Why is it meaningful to you?
  16. How can families best support teenagers? What is something you wish your family understood better?
  17. Have you ever had a teacher that was an important mentor for you? If yes, describe how they supported you.
  18. Describe an adult aside from your family who has been a positive influence on you. Explain how they have helped you.
  19. Do teachers have lasting impacts on students? Describe one of your teachers who inspired you.
  20. Write about a figure you admire but do not personally know, like a celebrity, author, or athlete. Explain why you admire them.
  21. Describe a disagreement you witnessed between two people. How did each handle it? Who handled it better in your view?
  22. Think of someone you had a disagreement with in the past. Looking back, how could you have handled it better?
  23. Why is it important to admit when you are wrong? Describe a situation when you had to admit you were wrong. What was it like?
  24. Write about a time you compromised with someone who had an opposing view from yours. How did you find common ground? What did you learn?
  25. Do you find it easy or difficult to get along with people different from you? Explain using examples.
  26. How can people move past stereotypes? Share a time when you or someone else overcame a stereotype.
  27. Describe a situation where jealousy impacted a friendship or relationship. What damage did it cause? What did you learn?
  28. Why is trust so essential in relationships? Describe the building or breaking of trust in one of your relationships.
  29. What have you learned from both good and bad relationships? How have those lessons shaped how you interact with people?
  30. How do you define respect? Write about a time when respect was present or absent from a relationship.
  31. Describe a time when words were very hurtful or healing in a relationship. What impact did this have on you?
  32. Think about a relationship that is difficult. How could you act to improve it?
  33. Write about a stranger who did a kind deed for you or someone else. How did this small act of kindness make a difference?
  34. Should people give second chances? Share a story from your own life on second chances.
  35. For what reasons do conflicts happen between family or friends? Share a personal story.
  36. How can people prevent or resolve conflicts between each other? Share a time when conflict was prevented or resolved positively.
  37. Think about a relationship that recently improved. What specifically changed for the better? What can be learned?
  38. What does it mean to truly listen to someone? Why is listening skills important in relationships? Give an example.
  39. Choose one word to describe each member of your family and explain why you chose those words.
  40. What are fun ways for families to spend quality time together? What does your family do and what do you enjoy most? Explain.
  41. If you had the chance to give advice to a good friend right now, what would it be and why?
  42. What goals can people set to become better friends or family members? What’s one goal you have set for yourself?
  43. Who do you turn to when you have problems? Why have you chosen to talk to this person/people?
  44. Should we forgive friends or family who lie to us? Share your thoughts and experiences with forgiveness.
  45. Is it ever okay to keep secrets from friends or family? Explain why or why not.
  46. What does “being responsible” with friendships and family relationships mean to you? Give examples.
  47. Do you think rules should be different for friends than family? Explain your thoughts with examples.
  48. Describe a time you felt support from your friends or family during a difficult situation.
  49. For you, what is the difference between a close friend and an acquaintance? Give examples from your life.
  50. Explain why friendships and family relationships should be valued and prioritized. Use personal examples.

On Family

  1. Describe your extended family like grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins. How often do you see them? What do you enjoy about those relationships?
  2. What traditions or rituals does your family have? Why are they meaningful?
  3. Has a relative ever given you great advice? What was it and why was it helpful?
  4. How can families best support pre-teens and teenagers? What do you wish your parents understood better?
  5. What qualities make someone a good brother or sister? Do you think you have those qualities? Explain.
  6. Describe your mom, dad, or another caregiver’s personality. What are 3 great qualities they have?
  7. If you had magical abilities, what problem would you solve for a family member? Why?
  8. What does “unconditional love” mean to you? Describe how your family shows love.
  9. Should parents be friends with their kids? Explain your view using examples and reasons.
  10. How should parents handle teens who break rules or make poor choices? Discuss their responsibilities.
  11. Describe one of your favorite memories with your family. What happened that makes it extra special?
  12. For what reasons do conflicts happen in families? Share a story from your own family.
  13. How can families prevent or resolve conflicts positively? Share a time your family resolved a conflict well.
  14. If you could add a new family rule, what would it be and why? Would others agree it’s needed? Explain.
  15. What does being a good listener mean in your family? Provide a time when good listening skills were helpful at home.
  16. Describe one issue your parents had to compromise on while raising you and your siblings. Explain their perspectives.
  17. What is one clue that a family member needs extra support? Describe a time you or someone else needed support.
  18. How can trust be built, lost, or repaired in families? Provide a personal example.
  19. What does “respect” require inside families? Describe how your family shows respect or could improve.
  20. Share an example of how your family cooperates and supports one another. Why is this important?
  21. How can families balance personal interests with responsibilities to the family unit or household? Give examples.
  22. Have religious or spiritual beliefs impacted your family positively? Explain how.
  23. What does “forgiveness” require in families? Describe someone forgiving or being forgiven. What was the outcome?
  24. Is venting anger appropriately important in families? Share an example from your household.
  25. What is one problem you think many families struggle with? Explain ideas for how to address this issue.
  26. What is a rule that has helped create order or safety in your home? Why was it needed?
  27. How do parents model good behavior for their children without realizing it? Give examples you’ve observed.
  28. Write about an annoyance or frustration you have experienced with a parent, guardian, or sibling. How have you worked through this issue?
  29. Explain why keeping promises and commitments to family matters. Provide a related example.
  30. What are fun ways for families to spend quality time together? What does your family do that brings you together?
  31. Should families pray or perform spiritual rituals together? Explain why this can be meaningful or not needed.
  32. Is getting advice from elders important? Share an example of getting advice from your parents or grandparents.
  33. How can parents and kids better understand each other’s perspectives? Explain with a personal example.
  34. Describe one house rule you did not understand as a younger kid. Now that you are older, does it make more sense? Explain.
  35. How should parents educate kids about racism or discrimination? Discuss using personal examples or observations.
  36. Do you make friends easily outside your family? Explain how your family gives you confidence or holds you back socially.
  37. What quality about your parents inspires you to be like them? Explain using examples.
  38. What is one thing you wish you and your siblings would stop fighting about? Why does this issue cause problems? What could improve it?
  39. Describe one thing you argue about a lot with your sibling(s) and one thing you get along well doing together. Compare the two relationship dynamics.
  40. Explain one of your family’s funny little habits or traditions outsiders would find interesting or strange. Where did it originate?
  41. For what reasons are family relationships often complicated? Share an example from personal experience.
  42. If a new kid was joining your family as an adopted sibling, what advice would you give him or her about fitting into your established household?
  43. Should parents give kids advice about friendship or let them learn those skills independently? Discuss, backing your view with reasoning.
  44. Describe an ethical dilemma or complex problem your family faced together. How did working through it strengthen relationships? What did family members learn about each other?
  45. How can parents and kids respect each other’s privacy? Discuss setting boundaries while still providing guidance.
  46. How might experiencing hard times like illness, grief, job loss, etc. bring a family closer together? Describe a difficulty that ultimately strengthened bonds between your family members rather than weakening them.
  47. Even in difficult or complex family relationships, what makes the bond stronger than conflict? Explain why you think family ties still endure.
  48. Even if family relationships are challenging or imperfect, why work to understand versus give up on each other? Provide evidence that trying leads in a positive direction.
  49. When do you think parents should stop influencing adult children’s choices? Explain where the line should be drawn and why.
  50. What have you learned from your parents’ strengths and weaknesses? How will you carry these lessons into your future as an adult?

On Technology

  1. What is your favorite app or website? Describe what you like about it.
  2. Explain 3 responsible ways you use the internet and social media.
  3. Should there be laws about how people your age use the internet? Why or why not?
  4. Describe when it’s okay or not okay to share information or photos online.
  5. Write about a time technology like GPS maps or the internet really helped you or someone you know.
  6. Explain why spending too much time on devices can be unhealthy. Provide evidence.
  7. Describe problems or distractions technology like cell phones can cause at school. Should policies be made to address this issue?
  8. How is communicating online and via text different from talking face-to-face? Include pros and cons of each.
  9. Stories are spreading about technology like virtual reality. Describe what you think virtual reality will be like someday based on current information.
  10. Do you think technology brings people together more than it isolates them? Use reasons and evidence to back your opinion.
  11. How does the internet make researching for school easier and harder at the same time? Explain with examples from experience.
  12. Write about a time technology failed to work properly. What problems did it cause? What was the backup plan to address needs?
  13. How have smart phones impacted how youth and adults spend leisure time? Explain pros and cons.
  14. Describe an app that helps make people’s lives easier somehow. Explain its standout features.
  15. What are ways social media connects people positively? Also discuss risks and how to use social media responsibly.
  16. Should everyone have access to affordable home internet? Explain pros and cons of internet access becoming an essential utility provided via programs for low income families.
  17. Discuss an innovative medical technology that improves healthcare. How exactly does it help doctors treat patients better?
  18. Would receiving instruction through technology at home some days help students learn? Explain the possibilities and challenges you envision.
  19. How have delivery drones and self-driving vehicles started changing the way people transport items? Describe what future possibilities exist to revolutionize transportation.
  20. Explain how smartphones both waste and make the best use of people’s time. Provide evidence.
  21. How do various communication methods impact trust and relationships between people both positively and negatively? Cite examples.
  22. Should schools invest in providing laptops or tablets to each student for learning? Explain reasoning using pros and cons.
  23. How does advancing technology like electric cars, solar power, etc. positively and negatively impact the environment now and in the foreseeable future?
  24. How have smartphones changed people’s behaviors for better or worse? Provide evidence from real world observations.
  25. Should youth be on social media? At what age is appropriate? Cite reasons.
  26. How does the online world impact body image perceptions? Discuss using observations or evidence. Provide solutions.
  27. Explain pros and cons you see regarding video games’ impacts on things like kids’ brains, creativity, social skills, and values.
  28. Discuss positive and concerning impacts highly advanced robotics may have on jobs, the economy, how people treat each other in relationships, self-worth and identity when more labor becomes automated.
  29. How can the internet and connected technology increase existing inequities? Offer ideas to responsibly address this concern.
  30. Explain why developing future technology sustainably matters. Provide examples like electric car batteries, solar panels, etc.
  31. Should tech CEOs or companies do more about issues like device addiction? What exactly should change?
  32. How does immediate access to so much information impact how people view issues? Explain how quality versus quantity of data impacts judgments made. Cite real world examples like politics, news stories, etc.
  33. Discuss ways technology harms or helps entertainment quality and enjoyment like movies, shows, music, etc. Compare changes you see over time as innovation progresses.
  34. How does the internet impact the spread of truth versus lies? Describe how credibility should be evaluated.
  35. What existing technology truly excites you? Explain what you find interesting and innovative about it.
  36. Share what harm has occurred when people use technology irresponsibly. Also discuss fixes to address concerns you see being neglected.
  37. Should schools better educate students about using technology safely and wisely? Explain importance.
  38. Discuss technology’s influence during an election. Consider media, voter engagement, political messaging, etc. Are changes mostly beneficial or concerning in your view? Explain.
  39. Explain why websites and apps should value user privacy and security. What should companies transparently share and responsibly protect?
  40. Has social media made peers kinder or less sensitive to each other? Explain your observations and solutions.
  41. How does always on the go device access impact family relationships? Provide positives and hints for avoiding pitfalls.
  42. How does being constantly plugged in emotionally impact people over time based on your observations?
  43. Discuss an existing technology that worries you. Explain problems it fuels. What regulations could responsibly and ethically decrease harm?
  44. How does social media impact mental health? Support your perspectives with observations, credible research sources, and possible solutions.
  45. Share why empathy remains important even as technology progresses. Provide real world evidence supporting your claim.
  46. Discuss how smartphones both hurt and help people fully live “in the moment.” Use personal examples and suggestions.
  47. Explain effective tactics for determining if online content and interactions are credible versus manipulative or false. Cite real world examples like clickbait ads. What tips do you recommend?
  48. Describe pros and cons of computers grading students’ writing versus teacher feedback. Which approach is better in your opinion? Support perspectives with reasoning.
  49. How does always on technology impact people’s sense of wonder, curiosity to learn new things the old fashioned way, and ability to have insight? Provide observations.
  50. What existing or emerging technology do you believe is getting too little or too much hype? Explain reasoning using evidence and examples.

On Emotions

  1. Describe a time when you felt really proud. Why did this accomplishment make you feel that way?
  2. When was the last time you felt grateful? What happened that made you appreciate something or someone?
  3. Write about a situation where your emotions felt out of control. How did you eventually handle them?
  4. What calms you down when feeling nervous or worried? Explain step-by-step what helps you.
  5. What does courage feel like to you? Describe a situation where facing your fears made you braver.
  6. Share about a hardship or failure after which you felt resilience. What gave you strength during the tough time?
  7. Describe a memory where curiosity led to a fun adventure, interesting discovery, or new understanding.
  8. What sparks your sense of joy or happiness most? Paint a picture with words sharing what that feels like.
  9. How can friends show kindness to classmates who feel left out or lonely at school?
  10. What should someone do when social media interactions stir up feelings like anger or envy? Explain smart strategies.
  11. How might words impact someone’s self-worth without the speaker realizing it? Provide examples.
  12. How can overcoming a challenge build grit to handle future tough situations emotionally? Recall a time this happened for you or someone else.
  13. What values guide your life choices? Where did those become important to you?
  14. How can students show more empathy and compassion at school? Provide examples.
  15. How do responsibilities like chores influence attitudes and maturity levels? Explain using personal experience.
  16. What action should people take if they witness bullying? Offer solutions.
  17. Should students notify an adult if a peer’s joke goes too far emotionally? Explain why or why not.
  18. How do colors impact someone’s mood? Describe colors that tend to make you feel peaceful, energized, cheerful, etc. and why.
  19. What makes someone feel understood? Describe mindsets and behaviors that convey acceptance of others’ feelings.
  20. Is letting anger out always required? Why or why not? Offer healthy strategies for processing anger.
  21. Which is more important – self-confidence or self-awareness? Support your choice with sound reasoning.
  22. How can students respect differences in learning abilities, cultures, beliefs, backgrounds, etc.? Provide positive examples.
  23. Describe mindsets kids should avoid like blaming others for disappointments vs. taking responsibility for choices.
  24. What advice would you offer someone who feels marginalized for being different like nationality, disability, etc?
  25. Is perfectionism about looks and grades harmful? Explain problems and smarter mindsets to feel good enough.
  26. How can families show members they matter through simple gestures like greeting questions, eye contact, etc?
  27. Should people give second chances? Share why this does or does not make sense in certain relationships or situations.
  28. When has a pet’s companionship lifted your spirits? Paint an upbeat picture sharing that memory.
  29. Recount a time laughter healed hurt feelings between family or friends. What humor techniques restore connection?
  30. Coach someone from your own past on building self-esteem despite mean kid behavior. Offer concrete empowering strategies.
  31. How can students incorporate more emotional intelligence on social media? Consider acts of exclusion, meanness, etc. and remedies.
  32. Provide examples of tone and body language that convey trust and acceptance of someone venting feelings. Offer additional tips.
  33. Share how music enriches your life emotionally. Pick a song that impacts your mood and explain why.
  34. Should people give compliments just to be nice? Explain pros and cons of this using personal examples.
  35. How can focusing on gratitude, blessings, self-care, etc. safeguard mental health when undergoing stress? Discuss research-backed techniques.
  36. Recount a time you put yourself in someone else’s shoes during a tense interaction. How did trying to understand them positively transform empathy?
  37. Coach a shy student on making a tough social situation better through small acts of kindness. Provide uplifting guidance.
  38. Suggest healthy emotional habits students should build to handle future challenges like first jobs, college, adulthood, etc.
  39. How can recess sports and games nurture social skills like teamwork, good sportsmanship, managing disappointment after losses, etc.? Use examples.
  40. Should students speak up about wrong assumptions peers make regarding diverse groups? Politely clarify truth to dispel stereotypes. Use examples.
  41. Pick an emotion like awe, angst, delight, despair, wrath, bliss, etc. and paint a vivid personal picture where you felt that way.
  42. How can social media interactions demonstrate more emotional intelligence? Consider exclusion, meanness, etc. and remedies.
  43. When is it acceptable to hide feelings to spare someone pain versus speak truth with compassion? Explain where lines should be drawn.
  44. How can focusing on society’s past moral progress fuel present optimism? Discuss using civil rights victories, democracy wins, etc.
  45. Recount a time swallowing pride strengthened a valuable relationship. What wisdom did you gain?
  46. How do fair leaders appeal to citizens’ highest ideals rather than stoke dark emotions like blame, fear, etc.? Share real examples like Lincoln.
  47. Paint an inspirational picture of society lifting up youth wired to live meaningfully versus seek fleeting thrills. What specifically makes their lives shine?
  48. How can rules promote ethical, wise digital community behavior versus thoughtless harm? Consider implementing guidelines for more supportive interactions.
  49. Paint an inspirational picture of people uniting across political divides to solve real problems jeopardizing emotional and physical health like addiction, poverty, human trafficking, etc.
  50. Recount a time you transformed hurt into helpfulness or comfort for someone else grappling with hardship. What emotional tools and insights can uplift both giver and receiver?

Issues in School

  1. Describe a challenging project and how you completed it successfully.
  2. Explain why cheating on schoolwork is unethical. Have you dealt with a cheater? Discuss honestly.
  3. Share about a teacher who inspired you to work hard. Traits? Qualities? Teaching style? How were they excellent?
  4. Tell how you improved at something that was difficult at first like sports, music, math, etc. Hard work pays off!
  5. Pick an ethical dilemma at school and explore solutions. Consider rights, rules, safety, fairness.
  6. Discuss pros and cons of letter grades verses pass/fail evaluation systems. Which promotes actual learning?
  7. Describe obstacles when group projects frustrate and solutions teachers could try instead.
  8. How do pressures like getting into college impact student priorities? Reflect on whether the tradeoffs are worth it.
  9. Discuss technology’s impact on school both positively and concerningly. Consider distraction, behavior, values, etc. Share ideas.
  10. How can teachers and students unite when controversial real-world issues arise in class conversations? Explore respectful solutions.
  11. What should teachers say and allow regarding politics, religion, activism etc.? Explain appropriate policies and ethical reasoning.
  12. How can school sports best prevent injury? Consider health risks of head trauma, ACL tears, etc. Offer student perspective on rule changes, gear requirements, rest guidelines etc. needed to protect players.
  13. Describe an ethical way you used tech for schoolwork versus a rule you’d add to curb misconduct. Consider cheating potential, theft, privacy invasions, harmful uses, etc. and consequences.
  14. Discuss public school funding debates. Consider formulas, competing priorities, misperceptions, pros/cons of programs cut or supplemented by parent fundraising. Should policies shift? Why/why not?
  15. How should schools handle mental health crises? Consider stress, anxiety, depression, trauma’s impacts. Discuss counseling, staff training needs etc. Destigmatize struggles!
  16. How might school safety improve? Consider emergency protocols, building modifications, security roles, technology aids. Balance protection with warm environments.
  17. What extracurricular activities matter most to you? Explore their life lessons like teamwork, resilience, commitment. Fund programs empowering students.
  18. Discuss controversies around school uniforms and dress codes. Consider disciplinary fairness, cost factors, Pros? Cons? Alternatives?
  19. How can students improve school spirit? Consider event turnout, community service participation etc. Share fun ideas!
  20. Describe a great teacher. Traits? Qualities? Teaching Style? Why were they excellent? How did they inspire students?
  21. Share a time good writing instruction made ah-ha connections for you. What teaching approach finally demystified skills? How does this help adults see school positively?
  22. Discuss positive side effects when youth pitch service projects. Consider impacts on agency, purpose, skill-building.
  23. How can peers positively stand up to bullying? Consider strategies matching context like severity, ages, power imbalances, supervision etc. Apply compassion.
  24. What career discovery approach best serves students? Consider guest talks, job shadows, project relevance etc. How can exploration pair with current coursework?
  25. Should cash incentivize good grades? Consider pros, cons and alternative motivations.
  26. How might better nutrition improve school performance? Consider food quality, budget disconnects, health ripple effects.
  27. What advice would you give struggling peers? Consider perspectives affecting motivation like learning differences, attention challenges, skill gaps, emotional blocks. Share supportive guidance.
  28. What leadership lesson challenged you? Consider group projects, captain positions, committee roles. How can educators further grow student leadership?
  29. Should middle schoolers use social media? Explain appropriate usage, privacy, ethics. Explore impacts face-to-face versus online communication, identity-building.
  30. How do sports build character and community? Consider award/recognition systems also encouraging nonsport interests.
  31. Share a time good teaching eased subject struggles. Consider learning style pairings, tutoring, visuals etc. What finally made content click? How can teachers apply such insights schoolwide?
  32. How can students practice self-advocacy asking for help? Consider communication method pros/cons. Normalize speaking up!
  33. How should schools handle grief support? Consider student perspectives on memorials, counseling, handlings of loss. What sensitivity helps healing?
  34. Should cellphones be allowed in schools? Consider classroom complexities. How to responsibly integrate usage?
  35. What career skills should schools teach? Consider financial literacy, interview tactics, job applications, workplace ethics alongside math, literature etc. Blend knowledge fields.
  36. What homework policies best serve students and family lives? Consider hour limits, vacation blackout periods. How can schools support balance?
  37. Should middle schoolers have recess? Consider mental health benefits balancing packed academic schedules.
  38. How can dress codes embrace personal style without straying from professionalism? Consider flexibility for religious diversity.
  39. What grading system most accurately reflects learning? Consider test reliance, extra credit, participation, skill gains versus deficits.
  40. How young should career advising begin? Consider early goal-setting, age views of self/interests. What roles can teachers play?
  41. Should community service become a graduation requirement? Consider purpose, logistics.
  42. How can better school-parent communication occur? Consider platforms, frequency, accessibility etc. Building partnerships around the whole child matters!
  43. Should teachers incorporate art forms into standard subjects? Consider benefits of music, visual art etc. blending into math, literature, science etc. Explore cross-disciplinary learning pros.
  44. Pick a controversial real-world issue arising in class study. Outline respectful discussion ground rules enabling equitable idea sharing. Consider rule modification by grade.
  45. Should schools screen students for mental health needs? Consider care connectors, warning signs role in prevention. Destigmatize support.
  46. Should schools provide career counseling? If so, what issues should be addressed and what topics avoided? Consider student feelings discussing economic challenges.
  47. Describe an imaginative teacher capturing learning in creative ways you enjoyed. What did their innovations teach in terms of thinking differently?
  48. Should students evaluate teacher performance? Consider aspects like tone, control, care shown. Explore survey goals – accountability, improvement insights etc. Discuss complex power dynamics sensitively.
  49. Is starting school days later better for health and learning? Consider research on adolescent sleep needs.
  50. How can team and individual activities coexist in gym class Cooperatively rotating through stations enabling choices might help those loving and loathing competition. Discuss solutions valuing all skill preferences.


  1. What is your favorite movie and why?
  2. What is your favorite song and why does it make you happy?
  3. Who is your favorite singer or musical artist? Describe their music.
  4. What is your favorite TV show? Describe the characters and plot.
  5. If you could star in any TV show or movie, what would you choose? Why?
  6. What is the funniest video you’ve seen? Describe what happens in it.
  7. What is your favorite book? Describe the main character and plot.
  8. Who is your favorite author? What do you like about the stories they write?
  9. Describe your perfect day watching movies or TV shows. What would you watch all day?
  10. What is your favorite smartphone or tablet app for having fun? How do you use it?
  11. If you could attend any concert, who would you see perform live? Why?
  12. Describe the most entertaining YouTube video you’ve seen lately.
  13. What entertainer or celebrity would you most like to meet? What would you talk about?
  14. Describe a time when you laughed really hard at something funny. What happened?
  15. What is the funniest joke you’ve heard? Why did you find it so funny?
  16. Pick three famous people you’d invite to a dinner party. Why did you choose them? What would you talk about?
  17. Describe a time when you performed in front of an audience. How did it make you feel?
  18. What games or activities entertain your family when you’re all together? Why do you enjoy them?
  19. Imagine you could enter any fictional world from a book, TV show or movie. What would you choose and why?
  20. What local attractions or amusement parks have you visited for fun day trips? Describe what you did there.
  21. What teachers at your school make learning the most fun? Describe their teaching styles.
  22. Describe your ideal birthday party for entertainment. What would you do? Who would you invite?
  23. What is the best school play, concert or other performance you’ve seen? Describe it.
  24. What do you like doing on weekends for fun?
  25. What entertainer or celebrity do you think has the best job? Why?
  26. Describe your favorite hobby. How did you get started doing it? What do you like about it?
  27. What is your favorite holiday? What entertainment traditions does your family have for it?
  28. What outdoor activities entertain you? Describe one.
  29. If you opened your own entertainment business for kids your age, what would you offer?
  30. When you want to relax and destress, what TV shows, music or other things do you turn to? Why are they relaxing?
  31. How do reality talent competitions like American Idol or America’s Got Talent entertain you? Do you want to someday audition for one?
  32. Describe your perfect entertaining day off from school. What fun would you have?
  33. What were the best fireworks you ever saw? Describe the display.
  34. Write a short, imaginary dialogue between you and your favorite entertainer or fictional character. What do you talk about?
  35. What is the funniest joke you know by heart? Why can you remember this one?
  36. Describe an entertaining family tradition or celebration your family enjoys. What happens each time? What do you like about it?
  37. What is your favorite live event you’ve attended, like a concert, play, or sporting event? Describe it. What entertained you?
  38. Have you ever entered a talent show or performed for an audience? Describe your act and the performance. How did you feel?
  39. Pick three famous historical figures you’d invite to dinner and describe why you chose them and what you might talk about.
  40. What is the most beautiful place that you have visited that made you happy? Describe what you saw and did there.
  41. What music always makes you smile and dance? Why does it have that effect on you?
  42. Watching movies at home or going to the movie theater – which do you prefer and why? Describe your perfect movie experience.
  43. What were your favorite school subjects as a younger kid? What made learning fun then?
  44. Have you ever met someone famous? Who was it? Describe the experience.
  45. If you had the power to become a fictional character for just one day, who would you be and why? Describe some things you would do as that character.
  46. You can have superpowers for just one whole day. What powers would you choose and how would you use them for entertainment or to help yourself and other people?
  47. You just won front row concert tickets to see your favorite band perform live. Who is the band and how excited are you as you take your seat? Describe the incredible night.
  48. Describe your dream vacation – where would you go, who would you take, and what fun things would you make sure to do when you get there? Make your planning committee happy!
  49. What outdoor summer hobbies and activities do you most look forward to each year? Describe your favorites in vivid sensory detail so the reader feels like they are there with you.
  50. What do you find entertaining that most other people probably don’t? Describe or demonstrate it and try to convince readers to give it a try!

On Hero/role Model

  1. Who is your personal hero? Describe why you admire this person.
  2. What qualities make someone a hero? Describe your idea of a hero.
  3. Who in your family do you look up to the most? Explain why.
  4. Describe a fictional character that you consider a hero. What do you admire about them?
  5. If you could spend a day with any hero (real or fictional), who would you choose and why? Describe what you would do together.
  6. Have you ever met someone you consider a hero? Tell about your experience.
  7. What does being a role model mean to you? Describe someone who is a good role model.
  8. Who is a positive role model in your community? What makes them a good role model?
  9. Describe a time when you helped someone. Do you think that made you a role model or hero to them?
  10. If you had a special power, how would you use it to be a hero in your town? Describe the ways you would help people.
  11. What central traits do all heroes share? Explain some key qualities heroes have.
  12. Explain why teachers can be everyday heroes. What makes a teacher a hero to students?
  13. Describe a fictional superhero origin story for yourself. How did you get your powers and decide to become a hero?
  14. Whose poster would you hang on your wall: a sports star, entertainer, historic leader, inventor, or someone else? Explain why you admire this person as a role model.
  15. Who do you think is a hero in your family’s history? Write about one of your ancestors who inspires you.
  16. When have you felt like a hero? Describe a time you helped someone in an important way.
  17. What song best describes the qualities of a hero? Explain your choice.
  18. What is the most heroic career , in your opinion? Describe why.
  19. Have you read about an inspirational figure who overcame difficulties? Write about why their life story is heroic.
  20. What fictional place would you want to live where you could train to become a hero? Describe your training.
  21. Which of your friends shows heroic qualities? Share why you think they are hero material.
  22. Describe a way you would like to help animals and become their hero.
  23. What career would you like to have one day where you could be a hero? Explain the ways you could help people in that career.
  24. Tell about a time you stood up for someone. Do you think that took strength or heroism?
  25. Describe a character in book who is a good role model for teens. Explain why.
  26. Who is your hero in sports? Why do you find them inspirational?
  27. Have you ever written a story featuring yourself as the hero? Share some details.
  28. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done? Why did it require courage?
  29. Describe a way you would protect others from bullies if you could.
  30. Explain why nurses, doctors and other medical professionals are everyday heroes.
  31. Who is a “hometown hero” where you live and why are they admired?
  32. What animal is your favorite hero from a movie? Explain why.
  33. What is more important for being viewed as a hero – talent or good character? Discuss why you think so.
  34. Describe someone at your school who you think behaves like a hero to others.
  35. Tell about a time you exercised wisdom in a difficult situation. Does that make you feel heroic?
  36. Design a new superhero. Describe their costume, superpowers, vehicle, mission and who they protect.
  37. Parents often tell kids – “Be careful climbing too high or you might get hurt!” Do you think a hero would be careful or bold? Discuss why.
  38. What 3 traits best describe a hero? Explain your choices.
  39. How can ordinary people become heroes? Give some examples of ways everyday people have been heroic.
  40. Pick two fictional mentors you have read about and would want to learn life lessons from about being a hero. Explain your choices.
  41. Should people think of themselves as heroes or is it best to be humble? Discuss this idea.
  42. What inspires you to want to make a positive difference in the world? How does this relate to being a hero?
  43. How are teachers and students heroes for each other? Describe their heroism.
  44. Tell about a historical hero who inspires you. Why do you look up to them?
  45. How can music and movies motivate people to be heroes? Give examples of inspirational songs and films.
  46. What will be the next great challenge that tomorrow’s heroes need to tackle and overcome? Speculate what that challenge might realistically be.
  47. How can young people reveal their “inner hero” more? What would help them develop heroism?
  48. How do images of heroes vary across different cultures? How might your idea of a hero change if you lived in another country?
  49. Do you think there will ever be a time period that doesn’t need any heroes? Explain why you think so.
  50. Imagine yourself at age 60 looking back – what do you hope young people say about your life that might inspire them or make them see you as a hero?

With over 300 thoughtful writing prompts for middle school students, the possibilities for sparking student engagement are endless. I’m energized imagining how students will dive into these age-appropriate topics and questions that resonate with their experiences and invite them to explore identity, relationships, responsibility, and more.

Whether it’s debating policies around technology in schools or opening up about a time they felt marginalized for being different, students will surely find prompts on this comprehensive list that interest them while also pushing their perspectives and building key literacy skills. Teachers can easily integrate these into warm-ups, journal entries, discussion springboards, and more activities.

Best of all, using so many prompts over a school year prevents repetition and boredom while allowing teachers to customize difficulty, vary formats to meet different learning styles, and scaffold writing skill development. With around 180 school days, weaving these 300 gems in daily exposes students to less redundant ideas so they sharpen a greater diversity of skills through unique responses rather than formulaic approaches. I foresee this prompting richer writing and deeper engagement that unlocks students’ potential. I can’t wait to incorporate these into my lesson planning and unit development this summer to start the year strong and set my young writers up for ongoing success! We have many more writing prompts on our site if you found these useful.